Spiders & White-tail Spiders

Trust us to keep your home free from unsightly spider webs.

Spiders can be frightening, especially if it’s a white-tail. If you’ve spotted one, call us to treat your home and garden… we’ll remove both the spiders and your concern! 

Info about house spraying for spiders


From $285.00 External only spider treatment.

From $253.00 Internal only spider treatment.

From $395.00 Full internal & external spider treatment.

From $445.50 Full WHITE-TAILED spider treatment.

All spider treatments come with a 6 month warranty.

More about Spiders

The 2 main reasons for why we are asked to carry out house spraying for spiders are:

  • Unsightly webbing on the outside of the house, particularly if it’s a darker weather-board home. Cedar houses have huge problems with ugly webbing.
  • A fear of white-tails biting them and their loved ones. In Auckland, Waitakere is an area well known white-tailed spider infestations. 

The good news is spider control is easy.

Spider treatments have a lot in common with our fly treatments. We recommend you combine fly and spider house spray treatments if you’re getting them done over the summer months. The control of flying insects removes a source of food for many web building spiders – these are a food source for white-tailed spiders.

I’ve seen some terrible pictures of white-tail spider bites. What causes this?

The bites you’ve seen show a necrotic (flesh-eating) reaction to a bite. The juries are out on whether these are caused by white-tails but there is enough anecdotal evidence for white-tails to be a strong suspect. We don’t know what causes the necrotic effect, a white-tails venom isn’t that strong, although people can have severe reactions to the proteins in the spiders’ venom and saliva. Some researchers think it may be related to bacteria on the white-tails’ teeth.

Why are white-tails coming inside?

White-tails usually live outside and hunt web building spiders as a food source. If they’re coming inside it’s because their habitat has been disturbed and they’ve had to temporarily re-locate. Usually homeowners will notice white-tail problems after they’ve had gardening or building work done around the home. The same goes for ants and wood cockroaches.

Is it true that daddy long legs spiders are the most poisonous spiders in NZ, but they can’t bite us because they’re fangs are to tiny?

No, cellar spiders (Daddy Long Legs) are not the most venomous spider. They do have venom but it’s just not that potent. They can bite us, but their spider bite will usually only cause a short-lived burning sensation.

What we do

Our spider treatments differ depending on whether we’re concentrating on webbing spiders or white-tailed spiders.

Webbing Spiders

House spraying for spiders: on the outside of the house, a treatment is applied to the under-side of gutters, the eaves, around all entry points, any visible webs and all wall surfaces. We also treat outdoor furniture, rubbish bins and fencing around outdoor living areas.

We improve the longevity of the treatment by adding a surfactant to the treatment. This provides weather proofing and UV resistance, so the spider proofing treatment will withstand outdoor conditions much longer.

Internally, we apply a treatment to areas where spiders like to gather, such as the joins where walls and ceilings meet and any other areas you highlight as a concern.

White-tailed spiders

The treatment is the same as internal/external webbing spider treatment. The same house spraying for spiders is done, but additional treatments are applied to the roof space and sub-floor as well as other area we identify as possible entry points or habitats (i.e. inside wardrobes).

Looking for advice on how to get rid of spiders? We’re more than happy to talk to you at any time about pest control. Please feel free to contact the team with any queries. Phone Bug King on 0800 546454.

Preparation & Aftercare

For external treatments only, no preparation or aftercare is required.

For internal treatments the following preparations need to be made:

  • Cover or put away exposed foods like fruit bowls, etc.
  • Put clean dishes, tea towels and paper towels away. It’s OK to leave dishes out if they’re going to be washed. 
  • Put away toothbrushes, towels and toilet paper
  • Cover fish tanks and turn the pump off
  • Ensure pet food is covered or put away
  • Pull the duvet up to cover all pillows on the bed and cover any cots.
  • You will need to vacate your home for a minimum of 4 hours from the time the treatment is completed.

Aftercare for internal treatments:

  • On return, enter your home and open windows and doors and allow to air for 10mins.
  • Wipe down all food preparation surfaces. We recommend using rubber gloves while doing this and being conscious of not rubbing your eyes until the gloves are removed.

Aftercare for external treatments:

  • Leave spider webs in place for at least 5 days.
  • When removing webs DO NOT wash off. This will remove the treatment and allow spiders to return. We recommend brushing webs off.

Our treatments use synthetic pyrethroids (which are based on natural pyrethrums). The products we use have been proven safe in sensitive situations over several decades. All treatments are professionally applied and are at a level that are very safe for humans and pets. All products are readily metabolized. If you do come into contact with the treatment it will just pass straight through you and not build up in your body over time.


It’s always good to take someone else’s word for it!  Read what our customers have said about us following a successful pest removal. We can also arrange for you to speak directly to someone who has used our services, as we appreciate that you need to be absolutely certain about how our pest control works before you ask us into your home.